Michael Bernard Fitzgerald |
Love Valley

2021 Alberta Film and Television Award Nominee | Best Music Video

Love Valley explores the untold future alongside the imagination of our inner child.

Michael Bernard Fitzgerald's fifth full length album release, Love Valley, is his most personal to date. Describing the struggling climb of relationships and the earned calm of the valley below, each song weaves his lifetime of experiences with the dream of a life yet to be.

production company: DDG
producers: Michael Bernard Fitzgerald, Brock Davis Mitchell
director: Brock Davis Mitchell
assisted by: Braden Dereniwski, Allison Seto, & Oliver Banyard
supported by: Meta Productions
starring: Bree Wasylenko & Leandro Godoy

special thanks: Chris Krieger, Tabatha Smith, Lloyd and Nancy MacKillop, MacKillop Highland Farm, Lauren Larsen, Josh Rob Gwilliam, Nanton Haywired Coffee House, Charles Hamilton, Brigette Bennett, Panavision Calgary, Sarah Hutchings-Mitchell
